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books - Your Alpha Dude



I love reading books and writing them myself. They’re some of the best sources of information and it makes you expand your boundaries and limitations. Rather, they make you believe that you have no limitations at all. You have expanded infinitely. That’s the power of books. 

Even though there are countless number of amazing books out there, and i would suggest that you go through all of them, as knowledge never goes in vain. But for self-development, growth and probably financial freedom, i am going to recommend to you some of my favorite books of all time. I have personally read them and gone through them, that’s why i am even recommending them.

Below you’ll find some of my favorite books alongwith the main lessons that i learnt from the books and also my rating of those books. So, that you could have a clear idea if you also want it or not. 

The Alchemist

By Paulo Coelho

I’ve read this book so many times, that i can’t even express it to you. It has some of the most amazing life lessons in it. It’s truly a masterpiece. And the best book of Paulo Coelho [ others are also litt.]

Even though it’s set in fictional land and discusses about the life of a boy named Santiago, it mesmerises the reader’s mind and forces us to think from our heart and what we truly want from life.

It will teach you some of the magics of the pilgrimage that is life itself. This book has a simple yet a soul-stirring wisdom, that everything happens for a reason, and the whole universe is always conspiring to bring us closer to our destinies. None of us know our paths or treasure, but when we truly embark on our journies we find the real treasure, the treasure within. Our greatest treasure is our heart, and we must always listen to it’s calling.

My Rating : 8/10



Rich Dad, Poor Dad

By Robert T. Kiyosaki

This was my first book on financial education and this changed my outlook on life and everything related money. It made me see through the chorus of lies that have been told to us from our childhood. i.e. Work hard, get good grades, get a good job, get a good wife and you’ll live a happy life. Yet, so many people end up living a miserable deadbeat life after following this formula.

One of my aha moments from this book was that, time is limited. So, if you trade time for money, you’ll always have limited money. But, if you create some assets which provide value, then value can be limitless. And if limitless value is traded for money, then you can get limitless money in return. So, More Value = More Money. If you want more money just create more value.


It is a very practical book, with practical action plans for any man who wants financial freedom and escape the rat race.

My Rating : 7/10


The Compound Effect

By Darren Hardy

This book made me realise the importance of habits and how little decisions in life can make or break your life. Life is all about choices. Good or bad.

It discusses the fundamental principles that lead to success in life, business and relationship. If you want to have an extraordinary life filled with success, money and fame then the principles here are fundamental and to the point. Especially, when Darren discusses about The Big Mo [ momentum ] and how important it is to create it and then keep increasing it. This is the key, to multiplying your growth in any area of your life.

“Preparation + Attitude + Opportunity + Action = ‘Luck’.”

The main premise of this book is the idea that slow and steady wins the race. It is very helpful the way Darren reminds us that even ridiculously small changes can, if applied CONSISTENTLY, produce huge effects over time. He also reminds us of the power in taking responsibility for our own actions, and that if we want to “manage” something, we must first “measure” it.

My Rating : 7/10


David and Goliath

By Malcolm Gladwell

Ahh… i still remember those days, when i was waiting eagerly for the initial release of this book, so that i could buy it instantly. Because I always thought i was an underdog, a misfit and an afterthought. But, this book changed my perspective and views forever with real life stories and how some of the Davids of this world defied the odds to beat their Goliaths.


If you got any excuses like i’m short, i’m ugly, i’m a retard, i’m weak, etc… read this book. Period.

My biggest takeaway was that everyone has some strengths and weaknesses. But most of the time people forget to see that and get lost amidst the chaos. But, the people who actually defy odds, know who they are and dictate everything according to their strengths. Even if that means going unconventional, and executing the unpopular choices. If you think somebody is a giant in front of you, just change your perspective, find his/her weakness, then they won’t seem that big of a giant.

My Rating : 9/10


The Game

By Neil Strauss

Even though i’m not really a pick up artist but this book gave me some very good insights on how to get girls. Actually, this is how I actually began getting a lot of girls in my life. I used to use a lot of the techniques provided in this book, and they were actually pretty good.

It opened my eyes to a whole new world, which i never knew even existed before that. I thought, that if i make enough money, then the girls will come. But, after reading this i realised that as far as girls are concerned, money ain’t all that important. There are far bigger and better reasons to earn money than to just get girls, such as financial freedom and being able to do whatever the heck you wanna do, just to name a few.

This book acted as a gateway for me, as it began a much needed self improvement period of my life. I began to realize my self worth, gain confidence in myself and really go out their and make my dreams happen. To look inward for approval rather than bending overbackwards to gain the approval of others.

My Rating : 7/10


The 4 – Hour Body

By Timothy Ferriss

It’s yet another masterpiece by the author of famous book 4 hour workweek, Timothy Ferriss. He simplifies his methods and techniques so much that anybody would want to get fit after reading his book.

Each and every section in this book is broken down into simple and understandable practical ways to get your dream body in 6 months. The slow carb diet and cold showers are, in my experience, especially beneficial, and the author recommends this a lot in this book.

I have read a lot of fitness books and how to get your desired body, but none came to give me the kind of results i wanted compared to this book. I have tried other methods and regimens before as well, but they weren’t as effective as this one.

My Rating : 7/10


The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

By Stephen R. Covey

This is one of the most inspiring and impactful books i’ve ever read. It transformed my life for good. A lot of times in my life, i felt shallow and empty. No matter how hard i tried, i couldn’t end this feeling of emptiness.

I tried meditation, yoga, and endless number of therapies, but nothing came as close to this book. It’s the legacy of one of the most influential thought leaders of our time, Stephen R. Covey.

This book’s greatest lesson was that no matter how hard i try to fit in and do everything according to the norms, if my heart is not in it, then i’ll always feel the emptiness, the gap. My happiness depends on my work, if i love it or not and how much effort i’m willing to put in my work. If at the end of the day, I know I love my work, i don’t cheat with it, i put in my 100% efforts, then i’ll think of myself as successful and also happy.

My Rating : 9/10


Shoe Dog

By Phil Knight

This was the book that inspired me to leave my 9-5 and work on my dreams, my passions. As written in the final few lines of that book by Mr. Knight – “I’d tell men and women in their midtwenties not to settle for a job or a profession or even a career. Seek a calling. Even if you don’t know what that means, seek it. If you’re following your calling, the fatigue will be easier to bear, the disappointments will be fuel, the highs will be like nothing you’ve ever felt.”


This book is probably my favorite personal account of any famous and successful man. Phil Knight is a living legend and i believe if you follow his life and learn from it you’ll become a far more rational, and motivated man who listens to his heart. 

His was a messy, perilous, and chaotic journey riddled with mistakes, endless struggles, and sacrifice. But this man never stopped and now he is a legend who everyone looks up to.

My Rating : 8/10


No More Mr. Nice Guy

By Robert A. Glover

If you have been following our posts, then you know that nice guys are those guys who try to supplicate in order to get something they want, but they never really get it, as nobody really finds them attractive or honest enough.

In this book, Robert Glover, tries to make us understand about the nice guy syndrome and what one can do to completely un-plug it out of one’s life. He gives amazing methods and techniques for us to try and apply in our lives.

He gives us the tools, to ensure that we become more expressive, tell the world what we want and if we truly want it, then we WILL get it. It also teaches how to embrace one’s masculinity, which is what this website is all about. 

My Rating : 7/10


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

By Mark Manson

This book is truly as advertised. Although the writer writes too many f*cks in the book, this book is one of the best that is going to help you get your ideal girl, your ideal life, with your ideal friends and colleagues

We are always told to focus on our dreams and all that. But the writer takes a completely different approach from the traditional norms and starts with first what we should not care about. Or in his words, what we should not give our f*cks on. As our f*cks are limited. [ LOL..]

This book is a satirical comedy that’s bursting with philosophical wisdom. The major takeaway is to pare down what we care about, and what we stress over.

This book gives you the blueprints to get your head out of your ass, (or out of your phone) take a hard look at yourself and the real world around you, and shed many of the illusions you’ve been slowly poisoning your life with. 

My rating : 9/10



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