August 4


How To Unleash The Alpha Man’s Power of Patience?

By Ariel Vagus

August 4, 2019


One of the biggest things that turns off a woman from a guy is his impatience. Impatience communicates neediness and a lack of security for yourself. It screams that a guy has an agenda. 

Some of the common impatient things that guys do are-

Calling a woman far too often,
Kissing her far too quickly,
Trying to get laid too quick, etc….

Impatience turns you into a little jealous devil who’s insecure and has an agenda of sorts. Probably to get laid. 

Patience comes from a secure attitude towards life. When you’re patient you always know you’re going to come out on top no matter the situation you’re in.  

You know that even if you don’t get this woman or some job then you know deep inside that you’ll get a better one going forward.  

It’s having the attitude that everything happens to make you better everyday even if it’s a rejection you got, it happened to give you an alligator skin. 

Always remember the quicker you want things to happen with a girl , the quicker she’ll disappear from your life. 

Even though it’s a bit off the topic but one good way to measure if you should make a move on a girl is the CAT method. 

C – Comfort 

A – Attraction 

T – Time. 


This means you got to make sure that a girl is comfortable with you, she’s attracted enough and you both have spent enough time to make a further move. And all this requires extreme patience from the guy.  

I suggest that until and unless you check these three points with a girl don’t make a move or else you might come off as too greedy and needy and as i always say Greedy and needy are creepy. 

Now one of the most important things that attracts a woman about a man is his strength. I’m not talking about physical strength. I’m talking about strength of character. 

“The ultimate aim of human life and activity is development of character” – Aristotle 

You must have a clear vision. Because there will be times when your visions will be tested. Be it in any life situation. Only when you encounter a setback, an obstacle, a difficulty, or the inevitable crisis, do you demonstrate the kind of person you really are.  

It is not what you say, wish, hope, or intend that reveals your character. It is only your actions, especially your actions in the face of adversity and possible setbacks or losses. 


Patience builds character. 

What’s your attitude towards life and how you handle stuff. Are you a wussy who hides under tremendous pressure or do you take challenges head on without backing off.  

Are you bold and a go getter? Are you strong enough to make your presence known in a social situation? Are you comfortable in your body or in short are you congruent?  

And the biggest opposite of strength is impatience. It’s the biggest Alpha killer. Impatience wrecks things quicker for you than anything else and it’s easier to fall prey to.  

Because we’re the generation of instant gratification. We want everything quick and now without having to work hard for it. 


I think the biggest block between you and woman is your impatience. You’re not able to get along with them because they sense your desperation. They can sense the wussy inside you.  


Trust me women are very good with sensing these stuffs. In fact they’re mechanically built to sense these stuffs. 

This is what separates the Alpha Man from the rest as they’re incredibly patient and they’ve a very secure attitude towards life. It comes from a strength and power inside them.  

They don’t have any hurry in the world because they’re sure they’re gonna get what they want. They have an abundance mindset. 

For those who don’t know about the Abundance mindset it means that – You know that you’re not
deprived , you don’t have any shortage. You know that there’s enough for everyone out here on this planet. You don’t have any emptiness inside.You have no insecurities that you have to compensate for. 

Your patience translates into a physical energy around the universe which gives vibes of relaxation to whoever you meet and they instantly start feeling good around you as they think that you’re a genuine man.  

Especially it makes the  women feel like you’re not going to rush anything, you’ll give her the time that she requires to have a mental make-up and you’ll let her get comfortable.She sees your goods,your strengths and your powers. This makes you a whole lot attractive. 

Some top strategies for building patience and unlocking your Alpha man power – 


  1. MEDITATION– I can’t stress enough the importance of meditation in building up your patience. It calms down your body from inside and ends your rush and anxiety.It also increases your self – awareness which decreases your insecurities. 

This increases your acceptance towards yourself and others and makes you more approachable and easily mingable. 

  1. PracticeDELAYED GRATIFICATION– The next time you have the opportunity to pounce on something that you want, experiment with holding back from it for a while. For example – If you get a chocolate or something that you love to eat , try to delay eating it. 

Or rather don’t eat it at all. Give it to someone else.
Small exercises like this teach your nervous system that it can be more patient.
The longer you can wait, the more self-discipline you’re instilling in your mind. 

  1. Do random acts ofKINDNESS– Doing good in this world increases your self acceptance. Which increases your self worth and decreases insecurities. 

It makes your mental make-up as a good man who just wants to help humanity and this mental energy then vibrates and sends into all corners of the universe after which whoever sees you or meets you , they’ll know that you’re a good person who wants to do good while also enjoying his life. 

  1. Transform impatience into patiencewhenever it arises – Patience is an act of self – compassion. This is why I mentioned steps 2 and 3. 

Whenever you’re feeling impatient start focusing your mind onto something. It could be anything. Your pleasant memories , your ideas , your goals , etc…. 

Anything which helps you to focus. Do it. But don’t set unrealistic goals. Understand the fact that it takes time and effort. Make mini milestones. 

And reward yourself once you stay patient for that given amount of time.  

Don’t focus on the destination . Focus on the beautiful journey of your transformation
from an impatient needy ,creepy guy to a patient Alpha male. 


Ariel Vagus

About the author

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